Job Application Form Application For Employment Step 1 of 11 9% Application for EmploymentPrivate and confidentialPosition Applied For:(Required)Department(Required)Please choose one.Choose OneNursing HomeDay CentreHome CareOtherPersonal DetailsTitleForename(s)SurnameContact InformationAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City Post Code Email Tel No. (Home)Tel No. (Mobile)NI Number Current Driving LicenseDo you have a valid driving license?YesNoGroupsExpiry Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Details of any endorsement(s) Are there any restrictions on you taking up employment in the UK?restrictions(Required)NoYesRestriction details EducationSchools / Colleges / University Names & Qualifications Gained Employment HistoryLast / Current EmploymentLast / Current EmployerLast / Current Employer AddressLast / Current Employer Start Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Last / Current Employer End Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Last / Current Employer SalaryLast / Current Employer Job TitleLast / Current Employer SalaryLast / Current Employer DutiesLast / Current Employer Reason For leavingLast / Current Employer Notice PeriodLast / Current Employer GapsPlease explain any gaps in your employment if this employment did not immediately follow your previous employmentPrevious Employment #2 NamePrevious Employment #2 AddressPrevious Employment #2 Start Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Previous Employment #2 End Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Last / Current Employer Job Title #2Last / Current Employer Salary #2Last / Current Employer Duties #2Last / Current Employer Reason For leaving #2Last / Current Employer Notice Period #2Last / Current Employer Gaps #2Please explain any gaps in your employment if this employment dud not immediately follow your previous employmentPrevious Employment #3 NamePrevious Employment #3 AddressPrevious Employment #3 Start Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Previous Employment #3 End Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Previous Employment #3 Job TitlePrevious Employment #3 SalaryPrevious Employment #3 DutiesPrevious Employment #3 Reason For leavingPrevious Employment #3 Notice PeriodPrevious Employment #3 GapsPlease explain any gaps in your employment if this employment dud not immediately follow your previous employmentPrevious Employment #4 NamePrevious Employment #4 AddressPrevious Employment #4 Start Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Previous Employment #2 End Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Previous Employment #4 Job TitlePrevious Employment #4 SalaryPrevious Employment #4 DutiesPrevious Employment #4 Reason For leavingPrevious Employment #4 Notice PeriodPrevious Employment #4 GapsPlease explain any gaps in your employment if this employment dud not immediately follow your previous employmentPrevious Employment #5 NamePrevious Employment #5 AddressPrevious Employment #5 Start Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Previous Employment #5 End Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Previous Employment #5 Job TitlePrevious Employment #5 SalaryPrevious Employment #5 DutiesPrevious Employment #5 Reason For leavingPrevious Employment #5 Notice PeriodPrevious Employment #5 GapsPlease explain any gaps in your employment if this employment dud not immediately follow your previous employment Current Membership of Professional bodies (i.e CIPD, NMC)Medical BodiesPlease note any professional bodies you are a member or registered withProfessional Registeration Number (where Applicable)Registeration / PIN Number (Nursing)GMC Certificate Number (Doctors) Other EmploymentOther employmentPlease note any other employment that you would continue with if you were to be successful in obtaining the positionReferences Please provide names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses for referees below whom we may approach for a reference. Reference #1Referee 1 Company AddressReferee 1 NameReferee 1 PositionReferee 1 Relationship to applicantReferee 1 Company Email AddressReferee 1 Contact NumberMay we approach the referee prior to an interviewYesNoReference #2Referee 2 Company AddressReferee 2 NameReferee 2 PositionReferee 2 Relationship to applicantReferee 2 Company Email AddressReferee 2 Contact NumberMay we approach the referee prior to an interviewYesNo General Comments Please describe here your reasons for this application, your main achievements to date and the strengths you would bring to this post specifically, please detail how your knowledge. skills and experiences meet the requirements of this role (as summarised in the previous specification)Experiences Safeguarding / Ex-offenders Declaration Please note this section will only be seen by those involved in the recruitment process and will be treated with the strictest confidence.The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 aims to promote equality of opportunity and is committed to treating all applicants fairly regardless of ethnicity, disability, age, gender or gender re-assignment, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity and marriage or civil partnership. The organisation undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against applicants on the basis of a criminal conviction or other information declared.Are you currently bound over or do you have any current UNSPENT convictions that have been issued by a court or court-martial in the United Kingdom or in any other country?NoYesDo you have any current UNSPENT police cautions, reprimands or final warnings in the United Kingdom or in any other country?NoYes Data Protection1. We are aware of our obligations under data protection legislation to collect only the data that is required for our specific purposes. The information collected in the application form is specific to our recruitment exercise and necessary for the performance of the role that you have applied for. If you are recruited for the role you have applied for, or any other role you are offered by us, the information provided will be then used for the purpose of your employment with us, together with further information collected upon recruitment for those purposes.2. We will treat all personal information about you with utmost integrity and confidentiality. Our data protection policy sets out our approach to ensuring your data is processed in line with the data protection principles within current data protection legislation.3. Our privacy notice for job applications gives you information on, amongst other things, the data we will hold about you during the recruitment process exercise and where we will use it for. You can view the privacy notice at Declaration (please read carefully before signing this application)1. I confirm that the information provided in this application is complete and correct and that any untrue or misleading information will give my employer the right to terminate any employment contract offered. 2. Should we require further information and wish to contact your doctor with a view to obtaining a medical report, the law requires us to inform you of our intentions and obtain your permission prior to contacting your doctor. I agree that the organisation reserves the right to require me to undergo a medical examination. 3. I agree that should I be successful in this application, I will, if required, apply to the Disclosure and Barring Service for a Disclosure and Barring Certificate, I understood that should I fail to do so, or should the disclosure not be to the satisfaction of the company any offer of employment may be withdrawn or my employment terminated.Signed(Required)Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY All organisations using the Disclosure and Barring Service to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions of trust and who are recipients of disclosure information must comply fully with the relevant Code of Practice. Amongst other things this obliges them to have a written policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders. This must be given to all applicants for posts where a disclosure will be requested. The code also requires such organisations to have a written policy on the correct handling and safekeeping of Disclosure information. To assist organisations in meeting this requirement a sample policy statement on the recruitment of ex-offenders will be included with any stationery requests for Form AP2(H).CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ